Administrative Functions
Enforces margin maintenance rules for adding/withdrawing, repurchasing and liquidating collateral
pauseLiquidations - triggers revert on any calls to batchLiquidation
, batchLiquidationWithRepoToken
, and batchDefault
unpauseLiquidations - returns Collateral Manager contract to normal operations
Maintains records, collects and disburse repurchase payments
grantMintExposureAccess - grants MINTER_ROLE access to specified wallet adress, required to mint repo tokens against collateral
Accepts and carries out borrower rollover instructions
approveRolloverAuctionBidlocker - grants required protocol roles to enable borrower rollovers
revokeRolloverApproval - removes specified Bid Locker from the approved rollover auctions list
Contract in which Term Servicer locks collateral and purchase tokens
pauseTransfers - triggers revert on any calls to transferTokenToWallet and transferTokenFromWallet
unpauseTransfers - returns Term Repo Locker contract to normal operations
Last updated