Protocol Contracts

Protocol contracts are evergreen contracts at the protocol level that govern and apply across all Term Repos. The following contracts belong to this class and handle protocol level authentication, security controls, event logging and manage centralized price feeds.

ContractDescription and Key Functions

Initializes a Term Repo


setupTerm: Validates Term Repo contracts against the Term Controller contract, emits initialization events during deployment and pairs validated Term Repo contracts with Protocol Contracts


setupAuction: Validates Term Auction contracts against the Term Controller contract, emits initialization events during deployment and pairs Term Auction contracts with Protocol Contracts and Term Repo contracts


pauseDeploying: Triggers revert when trying to call setupTerm or setupAuction


unpauseDeploying: Resumes Term Initializer for regular deployment

Designates the Protocol treasury and reserve wallet address as well as maintain a ledger of validly deployed Protocol contracts

getTreasuryAddress: External view function that returns the Treasury wallet address

getProtocolReserveAddress: External view function that returns the Protocol Reserve allet address

isTermDeployed: External view function that returns a boolean indicating whether a given contract address was validly deployed by the Protocol


updateTreasuryAddress: Updates or changes treasury address where servicing fees are collected


updateProtocolReserveAddress: Updates or changes reserve address where protocol liquidated damages are collected


updateControllerAdminWallet: Updates or changes Controller Admin wallet


markTermDeployed: Marks a smart contract as a valid Protocol deployment and adds address to Term Controller contract


unmarkTermDeployed: Removes a previously validated smart contract address from the Term Controller contract

A centralized price oracle contract that feeds pricing data to Term Repo contracts

usdValueOfTokens: External function, returns value of tokens denominated in USD given an amount and a token address


addNewTokenPriceFeed: Callable by Admin, adds/subscribes to a new price feed


removeTokenPriceFeed: Callable by Admin, removes/unsubscribes from a previously added price feed

A centralized event emitter that records various important Protocol events to the blockchain

<internal only>

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