Term Auction Group

The Term Auction group of contracts contain the logic to handle and process bid and offer submissions, determine an auction clearing price, and to settle and clear a Term Auction. The relationship between the Term Auction Group and the Term Servicer group is many to one. There can be multiple Term Auctions that settle into a single set of contracts belonging to the same Term Servicer Group with the same terms and conditions.

Initialization ParametersAdministrative Functions
Key Functions

Manages the clearing, settlement and minting of Term Tokens at the conclusion of a Term Auction

completeAuction: public function that settles and clears an auction and mints term repo tokens to lenders who are assigned a loan in auction given a clearing rate and arrays of validly submitted bids and offers

Manages Term Auction bid submissions (to borrow)

lockBids: callable by participants to tender or submit sealed or hashed auction bids

unlockBids: callable by participants to cancel sealed or hashed auction bids

revealBids: public function to reveal sealed or hashed bid prices

Manages Term Auction offer submissions (to lend)

lockOffers: callable by participants to tender or submit a sealed or hashed auction offer

unlockOffers: callable by participants to cancel a sealed or hashed auction offer

revealOffers: public function to reveal sealed or hashed offer prices

Last updated