Portfolio Valuation
Total Asset Value Calculation
The Term Strategy Vault's implementation of _harvestAndReport()
calculates the total asset value by invoking _totalAssetValue()
. This function updates the totalAssets
value in the BaseStrategy and provides a comprehensive view of the portfolio’s value. It aggregates three components:
Idle Liquidity: The balance of idle funds held within the idle vault.
Repo Token Holdings: The present value of active repoToken positions, discounted using rates from the
.Pending Auction Offers: The present value of any pending auction offers, assuming those offers are filled.
Total Value Implementation
The _totalAssetValue()
function aggregates these components to calculate the total portfolio value:
Key Components
1. Repo Token Holdings
Managed by the
Maintains a linked list of repo tokens held by the vault.
Tracks discount rates and collateral parameters for each token.
2. Discount Rate Adapter
Serves as an interest rate oracle for Term repoTokens.
Applies redemption haircuts to account for bad debt risks.
3. Pending Offers
Managed by the
Tracks all pending auction offers.
Estimates the present value of pending offers, assuming they are filled.
Present Value Calculation
The portfolio valuation uses:
RepoToken face value adjusted by redemptionValue
Actual/360 day count convention from current time to redemptionTimestamp
Market rates from Term auctions plus configurable markup
Base Formula:
Last updated